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LANTRA Accredited Bit & Bridle Fitting Consultant

Tash is an Independent bit and bridle fitting consultant. She carries a range of different HBF approved bits and bridles. Each horse is different and should be treated as an individual. Their lips, palette, tongue and head shape varies greatly from horse to horse, even within the same breed. This means there is no one size fits all and makes buying bits and bridles without trying them risky!


If you are interested in a consultation, please fill out the form HERE and I will be in touch ASAP.

What does a consultation consist of?

Consultations are approximately 60-90 minutes and start in the stable with an overall assessment of the horse. For this the horse must NOT be tacked up, just in a familiar environment (preferably stable or similar) and with a head collar on. At this time I will be making notes on the horses conformation and musculature as well as looking at their mouth conformation to see what bit might be best suited to them as an individual. All these things help paint a picture before even getting on board and can be imperative for helping select the correct bit and bridle for your horse. A quick "background report" will be taken of your horse at this time, including any behavioural or training issues you have been having. 

Once the stable assessment is done, you will be asked to tack up in your normal tack. The only time things will be changed at this time is if there is a welfare issue, ie worn through bits, overly tightened nosebands etc.

The first part of the ridden assessment is done in their current tack setup to give a "base" point to proceed with. Changes are then made to both bit and Bridle, one change at a time and differences in the horses way of going, biomechanics and any mental changes (ie more relaxed) noted. All these changes will be explained as to why and what affect it will have on the horse.


The ridden assessment MUST be done in a secure flat riding area, either a surfaced arena or a dry and suitable field area. This cannot be done on the road or on uneven terrain as it is near impossible to assess the horses biomechanics and suitability of bit accurately like this.

Like with a saddle fitting, there is always a slight possibility that I may not have the best bit/bridle for your horse available to try but through trying others and making bridle adjustments we can advise on the type/make that would be most suitable for your horse. I do carry a wide (and ever growing) range of bits and bridles but unfortunately for some horses this might not quite be enough, although this is rare!


At the end of the day I listen to the horse and make note of any changes, no matter how subtle they may be, good or bad, to find the best fit that the horse likes and enables the horse to work correctly and with relaxation. Without relaxation your horse will never be able to truly work correctly, no matter the discipline. Sometimes tension is environmental (eg high energy fun ride!) other times it is due to being uncomfortable and being blocked by unsuitable tack. This tension is the stuff I want to eliminate for your horse and help make them as comfortable as possible.

As an independent fitter I don't "stock" any bits or bridles to sell, only demos to try. After the fitting you will be provided (via email) with a full report along with all the information of bits and bridles tried, along with which one we advise for your horse after the consultation.


If you are interested in a consultation, please fill out the form HERE and I will be in touch ASAP.


Consultations are £60 per horse.

Discounts available for multiple horses at the same yard.

Travel fees (50p per mile) apply.

Area days will be organised to help keep travel costs low.


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