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Lessons &

Focusing on horse and rider biomechanics working together effortlessly. Exercises are tailored to each horse and encourage relaxation, balance and suppleness, which in turn help straightness and self carriage. No matter what discipline you practice, these elements are vital to keeping your horse sound and healthy. Lessons are always dictated by what the horse needs not an up coming competition.


Schooling sessions are also available. These can sometimes be simply to help with exercise or to help teach your horse a new skill before trying yourself and help improve their schooling.


Sometimes groundwork may be beneficial before a schooling session. Tash offers lunging, long reining and in-hand schooling as part of your horses schooling program.



£25 per hour

£20 for 30-45 minutes

Travel fees apply

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HM Saddle

Tash is a trained HM Saddle Fitter.


HM saddles bring the ultimate comfort to riding for both you and your horse. Built on leather trees, they are flexible and lightweight. They are great for those hard to fit horses. Designed in a way that helps to improve your riding position with stirrup bars set further back than traditional saddles. 



£50 for Saddle Demo

£35 for Saddle Check 

Travel fees apply 

Lessons & Schooling
Saddle Fitting


There are lots of differing methods that trainers and behaviouralist use. Tash's preferred go to method is positive reinforcement (r+) using clicker training.


Using these non forceful and calm methods she has successfully trained horses that wouldn't load to load calmly and confidently, stand quietly at mounting blocks where they previously would not, horses who would not hack alone to become confident alone as well as other behavioural issues.


Clicker Training can be used throughout every aspect of your horses training whether they have issues or not. Prevention is better than cure, make sure your horse is happy in their training from the get go.


Training doesn't need to be forceful to be effective.



£25 per hour

£20 30-45 minutes

Travel Fees Apply


Positive Reinforcement


Would you like to improve your riding position, develop better balance, gain fitness and have a better understanding of how your riding can affect your horse? 


Serenity, our mechanical simulator, can help you do just that! (and much more!)


There are only a handful of these mechanical simulators in the UK. Serenity is completely rider powered and relies on the riders moving in sync with her movement, much like a real horse! 


Serenity helps you learn to better your position without the guess work. Serenity enables me to break down each movement to ensure the rider is balanced and in sync, allowing the horse to move freely underneath the rider. 

Come and have a go and take the guess work out of riding!




£30 for 30 mins Private

Discounts available on our "Simulator Sunday"Check our Events page for the next one.



Tash regularly hosts Gymnastic flat work & Pole work clinics at the lovely indoor school at Castle Farm.


Gymnastic work is often forgotten about, but it is very important that our horses are laterally supple to ensure they can be balanced and flexible. If there is no balance there can be no true self carriage in the long run!


Simple lateral work and gymnastic exercises can help achieve this as well as giving you fun exercises to do in the school.


Pole work is a great way to keep schooling fun and exciting whilst striving towards improving your horses way of going. Self carriage, straightness, suppleness and balance can all be greatly improved with flat work incorporating simple pole work exercises.


For you as the rider, pole work can give you the focus you need, and exercises to take forward into your schooling sessions at home. 



Check out the Events Page.

Polework Clinics

Bit & Bridle


We all know that it's important to get your horses saddle checked regularly and ensure it is fitting correctly and comfortably, but did you know it's just as important to ensure your bit and bridle are the correct fit and aren't hindering your horse.


There are lots of anatomical bridles and bits on the market now, but there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to this and it can be a bit of a mine field.


Tash offers bit and bridle fitting consultations to help you discover what your horse needs to feel comfortable and enable your horse to work to their full potential.


A badly fitting bridle and bit can cause TMJ and Hyoid issues, unsteady contact, headaches, head shaking, spookiness and much more.


Independent fitter, so no push of specific brands, only what works best for your horse.



£60 Consultation

Discounts for yard visits

Travel Fees Apply



Bi & Bridle Fitting


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